
Policies & Processes

Our research includes identifying ways sport teams, departments, and leagues can implement policies and processes to better promote environmental sustainability. Making a visible effort to contribute to sustainability gives sport practitioners quantifiable benefits in fan perception and engagement.

Our policies and processes help sport organizations enjoy substantial reductions in overhead costs. They add efficiency, reduce waste, and improve bottom lines. Our programs help sport organizations contribute to preserving environmental conditions that maintain an enjoyable experience for both fans and athletes: clean air, clean water, and milder temperatures.

Better Messaging

Many sport practitioners face challenges when generating messaging to communicate initiatives and best practices that support environmental sustainability. Our research focuses on public messaging improvements that help practitioners better engage their fans and promote best practices.

Our programs help sport organizations strategically build, disseminate, and support public messaging that highlights their sustainable practices. This strengthens brand loyalty among fan segments that our research shows respond positively to sustainable practices in sport..

Sponsorship Enablement

Many sport practitioners must work diligently to ensure they meet the contractual obligations of their sponsors. Our programs help boost sponsor brand association with sustainable practices and meet third-party sustainability requirements.

Our program also consistently enables sport organizations to win more sponsorships by providing them with compelling data about the attitudes and values of their fans around sustainability.

Our Process


We perform a comprehensive environmental assessment of your organization. We use our field-tested evaluation model to deliver a full report on your environmental impact and opportunities to implement sustainable practices.


We dig deep into the current state of your organization and adapt our best-practice policies and processes to your unique strengths and challenges.


We work closely with your organization to build sustainability teams, establish lines of communication, and train stakeholders on new processes.


We use data-driven methods to develop and broadcast messaging to your fanbase that clearly communicates your new sustainability initiatives.


We track key performance indicators from both new internal processes and public messaging to assess performance and adjust accordingly.